Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey again everyone. This is my second post, it is going to be my answers to the questions of my homework assignment. They are from a movie we watched called "Digital Nations" Here we go:

1. Does the internet give us more human connections?

I think that yes and no. Face to face conversation is always going to be more meaningful, because you can feel the vibe that they are giving off when you say something to then, rather then if you were talking to someone over video chat you can see but you still cant really feel there energy. Then again, with the Internet and websites like eHarmony , that site matches you up with people that you would have never met.

2. If you could make up five rules about internet etiquette what would they be?

1. Use it for good purposes.
2. Do not illegally down load music and media.
3. Don't cyber bully/stalk people.
4. Respect peoples personal space/information.
5. Don't use rude or offensive language.

3. Do you think that teachers should Encourage or Discourage multitasking?

It depends because I know that listening to music helps me concentrate on what ever it is Im doing. But then again having to be texting and be on facebook while you do your homework is distracting. Because if you are trying to study, and talk to people , and check your email at the same time it is distracting. So some things should be encouraged and others discouraged.

4. Make a six word story about your internet life.

Chatting with my friends over facebook.

Ok there we go that's it. That's the answers to my questions.

Thank-you for reading.

First Post

Hey this is my very first post. My blog is going to be about how the Winter Olympic games have changed over time. Like how the sports have changed or technologies have been better developed. Also how the people of the world watch the Olympics, and basically everything from planning to transportation, to how you qualify for the Olympics, and how new sports get introduced into the Olympics. Because of the death of Georgian Luger, i have also decided to look at how medical care has changed for the athletes of the years the winter games have been played.

My interest in this topic was sparked because I , myself would like to go to the winter Olympics and compete in either Snowboard cross, or half pipe.

I will also be using this blog to post my some of my homework questions for my ACE class ( Academic Challenge and Enrichment).